Track 9. Advances on Sustainable Development in Higher Education


Sustainable Development (SD) is an unavoidable topic today. Resources are civilizational maters, i.e., which humanity depends on.

Higher Education followed the Specialization as an efficient way to control knowledge. This strategy has been commonly accepted in the past, but is insufficient today since it has the limitation of poor connection to the various surrounding areas. This is demanding for both educators and students who are now asked, not only for specific but mainly for transversal skills.

Modern designs are very challenging: On the one hand, we have very well defined targets (e.g. EU); on the other hand, the way to reach them requires highly inter and multi-disciplinary solutions, in which the newly graduates do not have competences because they have very focused knowledge in a specific area.

All this happens at a time when educational institutions have to deal with a new generation of digital natives, with a very own way of facing reality, often done through virtual reality, while part of the educators are faced with an increasingly faster need of updated educational resources and little incentives and conditions to do it.

This track will be a privileged space for debate and exchange of experiences related to the inclusion of SD in education programmes and education on SD practices. Therefore, we invite you all to join us in this Track and share your ideas, certainties, doubts and, most of all, your experiences.


  • Pedagogical Advances in SD
  • Learning / Teaching Methodologies for SD
  • Evaluation and Assessment of SD Learning
  • SD Teaching / Learning Tools
  • Teaching / Learning SD outside the classroom
  • Educational experiences in SD
  • Good practices involving Sustainability
  • Laboratory and Projects design for SD
  • Designing Sustainable Projects
  • Living labs on SD

Track Scientific Committee

Carlos Felgueiras (School of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal) – Chair
Nidia Caetano (School of Engineering – Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal) – Chair